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<placename>New York.</placename>
Memoirs of <persname>B</persname><hi rend="superscript"><persname>r</persname></hi><persname>. </persname><hi rend="underline"><persname>Nicholas Henry Eberhard</persname>,</hi> so as He
himself penn'd them down in the Beginning of this Year,
in a probable Expectation of being soon calld home.
I was born in <placename>Copenhagen</placename>, <date>March 20</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date>. 1723.</date> where my
Father was Doctor and Surgeon to a <sic>Grenadeir</sic>  <corr>Grenadier</corr> Regiment,
and educated in the Lutheran Religion. After some Years
my Parents remov'd to <placename>Helsingoer</placename>, and my Mother having
nurs'd one of the young Princes, my Father on that Account
was preferr'd <add>by royal Favour</add> to an Office in the Tribute or Custom House at
<placename>OEresund</placename>. Here I was kept to a Latin School till in the
19<hi rend="superscript">th</hi>. Year of my Age; In <date>1741</date> I went to the University at
<placename>Copenhagen</placename>. I had felt Motions of Grace in my Heart from
my tender Infancy, and shove the longer the more earnest to
free my Self from the Connections of the World and the Stirrings
of Sin, but all in vain. But after my Return in <date>1743. in March</date>
our Saviour appeard to my Heart in his suffering Form so
lively, and let me feel the Forgiveness of my Sins, and his
Love, so powerfully, that all the Bands of Sin and the World,
which had hitherto fetter'd me, were at once broke asunder,
and my Heart set in a Flame of Love towards Him. This