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<gap></gap>This is a short Account of the Forbearance of God to-
-wards Me poor Sinner, born <date>April 9</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date>. </date><add><date>May 8</date></add><hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript"><add><date>th</date></add></hi></hi><hi rend="superscript"></hi><date> 1700.</date> and baptiz'd <unclear>1729</unclear>
in the Reformd Church by the Name of <persname>Judith</persname>. <gap></gap>My
Father was <persname>Stephen Gashery</persname> of <placename>Kingston in Esopus</placename>.
The Lord took my Mother from Me, when I was a Child 
of 2 Years and 9 Months, and a little Brother of 9
Months old: and so by the Providence of God, We two
Orphan Children fell under the Tuition of my very dear
and kind Grandmother <persname>Judith Gashery</persname>; She had a 
tender Concern for Me, and oftentimes reminded Me
that I was baptized into Jesus Christ, into his Death;
and that He was the Propitiation for our Sins, and for
the Sins of the whole World; and that all who believe
in Him, and are baptized, shall be saved; and all such
as turn with their Heart unto the Lord: telling Me also
how much our dear Lord Jesus Christ had sufferd for Us;
from his Birth to his bitter Death: Thus the Gospel
was preachd unto Me from my Infancy, by my Grandmo-
-ther; She had a tender Care over Me; and my Father left
me entirely to the Direction of my Grandmother, who was
a Widow of <add>more than</add> 70 Years of Age; She had left her Country