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many things made great impression on me, yet I constantly turnd to myself
workings, which prevented my attaining to true and lasting Rest.
I became daily more sensible that I fell short in all things, and that
my self working was for nothing, and had no one to complain to, or to
ask advice of in the place where I dwelt. My Husbands last illness
was a fever, some Hours before his departure being exceeding weak and
low, he lay quite still without speaking a Word; but with such a <unclear>Devou

Nien</unclear> as <sic>tho</sic>  <corr>though</corr> he was meditating on something of the greatest Impor=

=tance. All at once he lift up his Hands and cry'd aloud: Thy Cross shall
be my Staff in Life &c<hi rend="superscript">a</hi>. which verse he repeated thrice. I soon per=
these words would Possibly be his last, and so they was, and he
departed shortly after. This made a great Impression on me then, nor
to this Hour have I lost it. As soon as my dear Brother <persname>Augustine
Schulz</persname> (Bohemian preacher at <placename>Berlin</placename>) had heard I was a <sic>widdow</sic>  <corr>widow</corr>
he desired me to send my 2 Sons to him, he would take care of them.
This was very agreeable to me, and I came with my 3 Children to <placename>Ber=
=lin</placename> in <date>January 1738</date>. I presently <sic>enquired</sic>  <corr>inquired</corr> of my Brother for the
Best Teachers; whose Ministry might be the greatest Blessing to my
Heart, He told me of 2 yet says he: There is a Count in <placename>Berlin</placename>
whose discourses would exactly suit you, and shew'd me the
House where the Disciple used to keep Meetings. I came thither
the first time, when none but the Family was assembled, and the
Disciple spoke on the Words: <hi rend="underline">The least shall be as David</hi>.
In this Discourse he treated on the subject of the true Sinnership
and Sanctification proceeding from the Suffrings and blood shed
=ding of Jesus, and that so clear & convincing; and with so much
impression on my heart, that I was <sic>allmost</sic>  <corr>almost</corr> dissolv'd in Tears, &
heartily rejoiced to hear that which I had been so long in search
<sic>off</sic>  <corr>of</corr>. How fortunate where it for me, had I then had proper
care taken of me! but the Disciple and the rest of the Brn: and
Sisters soon left <placename>Berlin</placename>, notwithstanding which, my heart was <sic>all=
ways</sic>  <corr>always</corr> greatly Affected, when the Brn: now and then came to see my
Brother, for which reason I often wish'd to see <placename>Herrnhuth</placename>, and resolv'd
when I return'd to <placename>Breslau</placename> to call at <placename>Herrnhuth</placename> in my way. I <sic>staid</sic>  <corr>stayed</corr>
some years at <placename>Berlin</placename>, but at length could hold it out no longer
and talk'd with my Brother about it, He advised me against the
Journey for several Reasons, and beg'd me to search my heart
                                                                                             <sic>wether</sic>  <corr>whether</corr>

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