<sic></sic><hi rend="underline"><sic>Suplement</sic> <corr>Supplement</corr> to the <date>11</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date> Week 1769</date>.</hi>
Containing the Personals of the Widow Sister
<persname>Anna Magdalena Rollerin</persname> (formerly <persname>Schulzen</persname>:)
She has left the following Account of her path <sic>thro</sic> <corr>through</corr> time:
I was born the <date>10</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date> of March 1698</date> at <placename>Breslau</placename>.
In my tenderest Infancy I receivd such an Impression of the
fine Hymns which my Father was used to sing that I often
wish'd: Oh that I could but love my dear Lord Jesus with my
whole Heart; since he has suffer'd so much for me. As soon
as I had learnd to read, my Father <sic>keept</sic> <sic>kept</sic> me <sic>stricktly</sic> <corr>strictly</corr> to reading the
Bible, and explaind to me the most Necessary passages of Scripture,
and I often wish'd, particularly at reading the <sic>Narative</sic> <corr>Narrative</corr> of our Saviours
Suffrings, that my whole Life, might be a Joy to the Lord Jesus.
In my 12<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> Year being admitted to the Lord Supper, our Saviour was
<unclear>inly</unclear> near my heart, and the Holy spirit took to me from that time
forward in so blessed a Manner, that during my single state I was
preserved from the Temptations of the World, and continued <sic>stedfast</sic> <corr>steadfast</corr>
in my Childlike simplicity in Christ Jesus. In my 18<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> Year at my
Fathers earnest <sic>perswasion</sic> <corr>persuasion</corr>, I married a Trader named <persname>Christian
Vogel</persname>. This Marriage was but of 2 Years Duration, and my only Son
soon follow'd the Father into Eternity. Meantime, I found that <sic>thro</sic> <corr>through</corr>
my change of State, I had Cost pretty much of my former Happiness
and in my <sic>widdow</sic> <corr>widow</corr> state, began to reflect thereon seriously, was
Ashamed and Humble, and my faithful Saviour forgave me all,
<unclear>Vouchsated</unclear> to give me the <sic>Sensce</sic> <corr>Sense</corr> of his sweet <add>nearness</add> as formerly, so that
for near 3 Years I was a happy <sic>widdow</sic> <corr>widow</corr>.