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can forget it. I acquainted Brother <persname>Clemens</persname> with what had happend
and told him I had now receiv'd a certainty of my Salvation, and
Rejoicied him greatly with this News. <sic>Tho</sic>  <corr>though</corr> he had enough to do, to
<sic>Perswade</sic>  <corr>Persuade</corr> me to Stillness. I now had an inexpressible Love for the
Bible, and Child likely beg'd our d.<hi rend="superscript">r</hi> Saviour to give me a <hi rend="underline">greater</hi> Cer
=tainty of my Salvation, and to confirm it to me <sic>thro</sic>  <corr>through</corr> the Precious
words and Promises of holy Scripture. I cannot express how sweet
every Verse, yea every Word, was to my heart. hitherto I had not
heard a word of the Cong.<hi rend="superscript">n</hi> at length Br. <persname>Clemens</persname> one day said to me
Well, what will you do now, I shall soon go to the Congregation? I beg'd
him to tell me what he meant by the Cong.<hi rend="superscript">n</hi> upon which he gave
me a short <sic>Discription</sic>  <corr>Description</corr> of the same. I presently answerd: I must go
to that People. And that not difficulties might be made, on account
of my Support, I said I would be content with Bread & Water.
But oh how graciously has our d.<hi rend="superscript">r</hi> Saviour dealt with me, for he
has given me far more than ever I expected. Soon after B.<hi rend="superscript">r</hi>
<persname>Clemens</persname> set out to <placename>Ebersdorff</placename>, and 6 Weeks after I followed him
with B.<hi rend="superscript">r</hi> <persname>Woltersdorff</persname>, and <sic>arived</sic>  <corr>arrived</corr> there the <date>19</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date> of October 1745</date>.
In the first Meeting I was in the Verse was sung: Thou hast thy
=self reveald, within my Conscious heart, my Jesus clearer than the
Sun, I see thy wounds and smart &c<hi rend="superscript">a</hi> at the singing of which I had
a Sensation <sic>allmost</sic>  <corr>almost</corr> as at the time I first receiv'd grace, and wept
for Joy and thankfulness.