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as I observ'd above, I had obtain'd a promise from our dear Saviour
that I should come to his People, but that did not come to pass till
the year <date>1756</date>. In the year <date>1751</date> I came to <placename>Treweiler</placename> as Chaplain
and Inspector. Here at length the Hour of my deliverance 
struck. I was severly taken to task for my <sic>Conexion</sic>  <corr>Connection</corr> with the Brns
Cong.<hi rend="superscript">n</hi> and after several storms I was required to seperate myself
from them, to quit The Herrnhuters Errors, to deny the People of
God and condemn their Doctrine. This I could not do, but chose
rather to bear the Reproach of Christ and was also removed, and
sat out for <placename>Newwied</placename> in the Year <date>1756</date>. Here I became parta?
=er of the Cong.<hi rend="superscript">n</hi> Grace and the same year attaind to the Parti=
=cipation of the Greatest Good in the Holy Sacrament, with the
Cong.<hi rend="superscript">n</hi> The Next Year I receiv'd a Call from the Countess to
be her Chaplain and to preach a Sermon every Sunday at
her <sic>Chapple</sic>  <corr>Chapel</corr>, which I accepted with the Consent of my Brn:
and continued in this office <sic>untill</sic>  <corr>until</corr> the year <date>1759</date> In which year
I attended the Disciples Household which spent some weeks to
all and Particularly to my great Blessing at <placename>Newwied</placename> and went
with them to <placename>Holland</placename>. Shortly before Christmas I returnd with the
same hither to <placename>Herrnhuth</placename> and removed into my beloved Choir House
in which during an abode of near 4 years I have had the Happiness
to enjoy Numberless Blessings and <sic>Benifits</sic>  <corr>Benefits</corr>.
Thus far his own Words
By reason of the Vacancy at <placename>Berthelsdorff</placename> occasion'd by the death
of Br. <persname>Groh</persname> and d.<hi rend="superscript">r</hi> Brother often preach'd there with great Blessing
so as he likewise frequently Preach'd here in <placename>Herrnhuth</placename> on Sundays.
In the Fall of the year <date>1763</date> he receiv'd a call to preach the <sic>Gosple</sic>  <corr>Gospel</corr>
at the little church in <placename>Altona</placename> which he cheerfully accepted of from
our Saviours Hands and sat our for that place in <date>September</date>.
His much blessed service in the <sic>Gosple</sic>  <corr>Gospel</corr> at that Place our Brn and
Sisters have heard in the Journals. His Sermons was so much fre=
=quented that Room often faild the Hearers, And we have many

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