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was receivd among the <gap>?????</gap> right at In the year <date>1753</date> I <gap>???</gap>
to <placename>Ebersdorf</placename> where I work'd som<gap>?????</gap> at my Trade till in the <add>year</add> <date>1755</date> I <gap>???</gap>
had the care of the Dining Room an Sleeping Hall.
In the year <date>1766</date> I became School and Recouing Master at <placename>Irebus</placename>,
But my ill State of Health preventing me from attending this Business so
faithfully as I could have wish'd, I gave it up to Another Brother, and
removed to my Choir House at <placename>Neisky</placename>, where in the year <date>1766</date> I was
receiv'd an Acccoluth. After I had a little regain'd my Health I was called
to an Employment at <placename>Barby</placename>, where I arrived the <date>21</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>st</date></hi><date> of March 1767</date>
Thus far his Own Words.
His continual Ill Health preventing his Business, He desired to be
taken again in the Choir House . and therefore accepted the call
to the Brns House here, with great Joy, and came hither the <date>3</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>d</date></hi><date> of
October 1767</date> <sic>tho</sic>  <corr>though</corr> his ill Health continued here, yet he performd
the Office of Watchman of his Choir, with great faithfulness, had a
quiet cheerful and happy Walk among us, and testified a Desire
to go to <placename>Astracan</placename>; But it soon appeard our Saviour had other Inten
=tions with him, for the <date>17</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date> of October</date> he took to his Bed. His
Illness which began with pain in the side, increas'd so, that it
was plain our Saviour hasten'd with his happiness; That blessed
Moment came the <date>19</date> Instant, in the afternoon when he departd
to ever Lasting Rest, during a fine <unclear>Lihirgie</unclear>, with the Blessing of
his Choir, and the Cong.<hi rend="superscript">n</hi> in the 57<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> Year of his Age.