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Soon after I was in <orgname>B.</orgname><hi rend="superscript"><orgname>r</orgname></hi><orgname> </orgname><persname><orgname>Cennicks</orgname></persname><orgname> Society </orgname>received & in a
Preaching over these Words: He that believeth on me, hath
everlasting Life: Our Saviour in his Deaths figur drew
before my Heart, that I a long time, not with standing
all the Waylayings which my Relations invented, my
happy Course pursued. But as I <sic>afterwats</sic>  <corr>afterwards</corr> took part
on the Disputes & quarrels about the Doctrine of the
<orgname>Brethren</orgname> I lost by that my happy path of a poor
<sic>Siner</sic>  <corr>Sinner</corr>; Till A.<hi rend="superscript">o</hi> <date>46</date> B.r & Sist.r ????????? as I became
aquainted  acquainted w.<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> B.<hi rend="superscript">r</hi> & Sist.<hi rend="superscript">r</hi> <persname>Gussenbouer</persname> at <placename>Bristol</placename>, where
my first Husband happy departed but left me in desolate
& depressed Circumstances. This obliged me that I without
Consens of the <orgname>Brethren</orgname> my 2.<hi rend="superscript">d</hi> Husband <persname>James Nelson</persname>
<sic>marryed</sic>  <corr>married</corr>, & by that was <add>several years</add> excluded from their Fellowship.
But our dear <add>Saviour</add> let me not go astray but graciously
permitted to receive me the <date>6</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date> Apr 1765</date> into the
Congregation & in the Month of <date>October</date> to <sic>admitt</sic>  <corr>admit</corr>
me to the holy <sic>Comunion</sic>  <corr>Communion</corr>. This was the greatest Feast Day & the <date>13 Augs</date>.
for my Soul, where I enjoyd so many Blessing under the
Flock of God, it which I shall never forget in my Life!
So far She herself.         She was at the <sic>Neight</sic>  <corr>Night</corr> Watch on
the New Year the last Time in our Meeting. Since her Sickness
our Brethren & Sisters visited her very often & w.<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> Y Joy of
their Heart observed: How our Sav.<hi rend="superscript">r</hi> her by Nature so rough
Temper altered <sic>gradualy</sic>  <corr>gradually</corr> in a Sinerlicke & melted Heart.
To Day She took <sic>Lieve</sic>  <corr>Leave</corr> of her Husband as Sist.<hi rend="superscript">r</hi> <persname>Nyberg</persname> just stepd
into the Room to give her the Blessing of the Congregat.<hi rend="superscript">n</hi> She
called out: "Now dear Saviour, come, come soon!" & instantly 
expired in the 57 Year of her Age.