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to make my Compaint to, but the Lord Jesus, and <hi rend="underline">he</hi> made my heart still
more happy from day to day; the more I was beat, the greater was my Joy as
I thought I should the sooner come to the Lord Jesus. More Children joining
with me, and The Guardians finding they could not <unclear>shittle</unclear> this Affair
by leaking and <sic>useing</sic>  <corr>using</corr> me roughly, they thought We was all bewitch'd
and that I was possess'd with the Devil, for which reason they would fain
have beat me to death, at length they concluded to confine me in Pri=
=son which they did accordingly. How happy I was in that dark Hole
where I was fed with Bread and Water, I cannot describe, my Companions
often singing a Hymn and weeping at the door of my Prison. After I had
been 8 Days confin'd, I was sent for, and required to promise that I would
no longer sing, Pray nor weep, nor lead others astray. As I could not
promise this, I was examined into the first cause of my change. I gave
them a full Account of what had befallen me, but they gave no Cre=
=dit to my Words. Just then, there was a New <sic>Minester</sic>  <corr>Minister</corr> at <placename>S.</placename><hi rend="superscript"><placename>r</placename></hi><placename> Marys
Church</placename> named <persname>Siebeth</persname>, I was brought before him, and he examined 
me out of the Cathechism, which I answerd pretty well. This Man
whom I look'd upon as my Deliverer, order'd me to be set at Liberty
and told me to come and spend an Hour with him every Day [??]
whenever I came, he used to kneel and pray with me, and gave me
a Bible which was a great Joy to me, for I never had one in my hand
before. In my 10<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> Year a Young Nobleman desired a Boy out
of the Orphan House, and they being glad to get rid of me, sent 
me to him. I travelled with him to <placename>Greifswalde</placename> where he was
in office. In 6 Months time he sent me back, and I met with
great difficulties before I could again be Admitted into the Orphan
House. I found my Companions still cheerful and we was very happy
together I rejoicing much to be with them. As the Enemy could
not Overcome me with sharp treatment he now tried another
Method, 6 Months was scarce over, before the Chief Judge of the
City took me to live with him, He was much kinder to me than my
former Master, yea he was for <sic>makeing</sic>  <corr>making</corr> a Young Gentleman of me
and had a Master to teach me Languages and dancing with his only
Daughter, this pleas'd me <sic>mightyly</sic>  <corr>mightily</corr>, but I lost my former Grace & Blessing.
Reading in the Bible, and going to Church grew irksome to me, <unclear>sing</unclear>
Corruption got the <sic>uperhand</sic>  <corr>upperhand</corr>, and I had <sic>Oppertunitys</sic>  <corr>Opportunities</corr> enough to Com-
-mit Evil. As I fell out with my Master, I left him and lived

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