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Alone my true Saviour did't leave me Rest in
Pleasure whatsoever but transformed all wordly <sic>Plesures</sic>  <corr>Pleasures</corr>
into Bitterness, Grief & Mourning. I knew very well
I was not converted & therefore <sic>toock</sic>  <corr>took</corr> one Resolution
after the other, but without Effect; then I <sic>allways</sic>  <corr>always</corr> begun
driven by the Restlessness of my Heart w.<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> my own
Power, therefore I never found rest or get into a 
true <sic>Conexion</sic>  <corr>Connection</corr> w.<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> our Saviour. By the <unclear>infattigable</unclear>
<sic>Disire</sic>  <corr>Desire</corr> of our dear Mother our Saviour provideth for
us, and we got a Proceptor from <persname>D</persname><hi rend="superscript"><persname>r</persname></hi><persname> Buddei</persname>, Named
<persname>Hofman</persname> (a intimate Friend to our blessed <persname>B.</persname><hi rend="superscript"><persname>r</persname></hi><persname> Vierroth</persname>)
who <sic>recommented</sic>  <corr>recommended</corr> contualy <sic>continualy</sic>  <corr>continually</corr> the Love of
our crucified Saviour w.<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> a burning Heart to
us; and was of one <sic>Opinon</sic>  <corr>Opinion</corr> w.<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> our Dear Mammy.
A.<hi rend="superscript">o</hi> <date>1735</date> our dear Saviour took our dear Mother
on a sudden but very happy home to himself.
We, her three Children where present, because our
Brother to the same time a Prussian <sic>Officir</sic>  <corr>Officer</corr> came
home by a instinct unknown for what, he found
her still well, but had not long to wait to see her
<sic>clossing</sic>  <corr>closing</corr> her Eyes happy & in Peace. Her so happy
& <sic>Joyfull</sic>  <corr>Joyful</corr> <sic>Far well</sic>  <corr>Farewell</corr>, had such a Effect on our Hearts
that we three together <sic>tock</sic>  <corr>took</corr> the resolution at once,
to have no part w.<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> the World, but to give our
whole Hearts to our Saviour Jesus Christ.
But I for my part did't know this true Friend
of <sic>Siners</sic>  <corr>Sinners</corr>. I tried all the means I could, I read very

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often the History of the Suffering & Death of our Saviour
not without Effect upon my Heart; but I <sic>allways</sic>  <corr>always</corr> <sic>begun</sic>  <corr>began</corr>
by becoming Pious & to Show my Duty to God, and
so I came by all my restlessness not farther.
Then I became <sic>aquainted</sic>  <corr>acquainted</corr> with Separatists, & would
undoubtedly have fallen deeper & deeper in my own Working;
had not our Saviour directed, that <persname>Magister Seidel </persname><add>was calld</add> as
Deacon to <unclear><placename>Mutschen</placename></unclear><placename></placename> as the Place of our Residence.
He begun to preach our Saviour w.<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> Power & Grace &
our Sav.<hi rend="superscript">r</hi> regulated it so that I became his Wife, <sic>noth_
withsanding</sic>  <corr>notwithstanding</corr> all the <sic>Dificultys</sic>  <corr>Difficulties</corr> which would arise in this
respect. This Marriage was a great Blessing to my
Heart. My Husbands' tender Conversation w.<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> our 
Saviour moved my Heart anew, that as he ask'd me
in the first Days of our Marriage: how it would be
with me? if <sic>Poeple</sic>  <corr>People</corr> would drive him <add>out</add> for the <sic>Sacke</sic>  <corr>Sake</corr>
of our dear Saviour out of the Town & Country?
I made a Covenant w.<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> him, to follow him willingly [.]
and partake w.<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> him for our Saviours Sake what
would follow. A. <date>1740</date>. He went to see the Congregation
in <placename>Hhuth</placename>. This Visit brought a great Blessing about
his Heart and I got my Share by that dreams to.
From this Time quite a new a happy Period begun
w.<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> us. A.<hi rend="superscript">o</hi> <date>1741</date>. The <date>22</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>d</date></hi><date> of March</date> as he was
Preaches to the Garrison at the <sic><placename>Castel</placename></sic><placename> of Königs Stone</placename>
our dear Saviour took him home in his eternal
<unclear>favoty</unclear>. He Witnesseth still on his Sick Bed towards all