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N.<hi rend="superscript">o</hi> 10
Supplement to the x.x.xi Week.
Month of <date>June 1663</date>
1. Of the Congregations in <placename><sic>Germanie</sic></placename>  <corr><placename>Germany</placename></corr>.
Departed this Life
1. The Wittower <persname>John Gottl. Thiel</persname>.
The Account of his Life which he wrote himself is as follows:
I am born <date>1696 the 6</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date> of Sept</date>. at <placename>Stroppen</placename> a little
Town Dukdom Oels in <placename>Silesie</placename>. As I was the oldest
Son, then my Mother which was a pious Woman took
particular Care upon me, discoursed very often w.<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> me
of our Saviour, which made such a Impression in
my Heart which I shall never forget. She kept
me very close & I was sent nowhere but to School,
where I was very labourious, so that my Tutors
advised my Parents to let me follow the study,
to which the willingly consented. I was sent for that
Scope sent to the College at <placename>Breslaw</placename> under the Di-
rection of <persname>Rector Cranz</persname> & was there nearly 11 Years.
A.<hi rend="superscript">o</hi> <date>1721</date> I went to the University at <placename>Leipzig</placename> to study
the Law. As I took my Leave from thence, Profe[????]