By all his <sic>Mercys</sic> <corr>Mercies</corr> bestowed on me, I find reason enough
to weep about my Want & Deficiency; but in my
greatest Perplexity when I turn to him, I find
<sic>allways</sic> <corr>always</corr> Advise & Comfort; that I don't know
how I can be <sic>thankfull</sic> <corr>thankful</corr> enough & how to adore
him enough in time & in Eternity.
So far her own Words.
<date>A</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>o</date></hi><date>. 62.</date> in the fall She begun to grow sickly, but was
w<hi rend="superscript">th</hi>. her Room Fellows happy & pleasd.
<date>1763. the 3</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>d</date></hi><date>. of Apr.</date> she grow worse & the brought
her in the Sick Room. the <date>9</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date>.</date> She fainted
on a sudden & was about 1 Hour quite away;
She recoverd again, but weak so well in her Mind
as Senses. However her Heart remaineth confident
to her Friend; She desireth every Body to <sic>suplicate</sic> <corr>supplicate</corr>
by our Saviour to take her poor Soul soon home
in his eternal Safety; This happy Lot was not long
detained to her and Shen went <sic>speedely</sic> <corr>speedily</corr> home, in
Her 25<hi rend="superscript">th</hi>. Year of her Age: