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VI. The single <persname>B</persname><hi rend="superscript"><persname>r</persname></hi><persname>. Christian Koepke</persname>.
His own Account is as follows, viz:
I am born <date>1718 the 28</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date>. of Apr.</date> not far from <placename>Polzin
in Hinter Pomeranie in the Village of Reinfeld</placename>.
My Vater was a Tavern Keeper, & brought me up
to pray & go to <sic>Shool</sic>  <corr>School</corr>, by the <sic>Shoolmaster </sic> <corr>Schoolmaster</corr> & Minister
there; but he never was contented with me because
I was not to govern & lernt not much. In my 12<hi rend="superscript">th</hi>.
Year of Age my Vater <sic>dyed</sic>  <corr>died</corr>, from this Time I begun
to try every Vice & at last came in all the Sins over
Head & Heel, & was thereby of good <sic>chear</sic>  <corr>cheer</corr>, except 
when I was alone I was afraid Gott would <sic>castise</sic> <corr>chastise </corr>
me, especially when it <sic>thunterd</sic>  <corr>thundered</corr> or hail'd.
As I was the first time to go to the Communion, I
<sic>feeld</sic>  <corr>felt</corr> a certain shuttering but I did't know what

[page break]

it was. My Mother put <add>me</add> out Apprentice to a <sic>Taylor</sic>  <corr>Tailor</corr>.
As <date>A</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>o</date></hi><date>. 1737.</date> my <sic>Apprenticship</sic>  <corr>Apprenticeship</corr> was expired, I <sic>travelled</sic>  <corr>traveled</corr>
to <placename>Stargard</placename>, where I the first of awakened People heard,
but did't take much Notice. In the same <add>Year</add> I went to
<placename>Stettin</placename> & there came to work by a awakened Master.
I asked my Master for <persname>Magister Schienmeier</persname>, of whom
I heard at <placename>Staregard</placename> that he tempted <sic>Poeple</sic>  <corr>People</corr>, I went
to hear him preach, my Master ask me how I <sic>licked</sic>  <corr>liked</corr>
<persname>M</persname><hi rend="superscript"><persname>g</persname></hi><persname>. Shienm</persname><persname>äyer's</persname> Preaching? but I did't understand
it. My Master set afterwards several time in me
& ask me Questions, as if I <sic>thinck</sic>  <corr>think</corr> myself to become 
happy by my <sic>Maner</sic>  <corr>Manner</corr> of living? I answerd boldly
My Vater <sic>dyed</sic>  <corr>died</corr> happy, why should not I.
For all that he had still Hope & by all Occasions
he said me some Thing of our Sav<hi rend="superscript">r</hi>. but I was so

dead <sic>licke</sic>  <corr>like</corr> a Stone & did neither feel or under-
stand what he means. But as I once went to
Bed, it was to me, as if I saw our Saviour hanging
on the Cross, I <sic>wondert</sic>  <corr>wondered</corr> at it; I opened or shut
my Eyes, it was the same. As I told it my Master
th' other Day, he mildly declared: I should take seriously
to my Mind how <sic>gratiously</sic>  <corr>graciously</corr> our Sav<hi rend="superscript">r</hi>. was inclin'd
towards me, & give my Heart to him. But
I understood as little as formerly & proceedeth in
my own Way <sic>licke</sic> <corr>like</corr> before. At once I became so