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A.<hi rend="superscript">o</hi> 1757 the 25<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> the preparation - Discourses <sic>deleiverd</sic>  <corr>delivered</corr> by 
our blessed Disciple caused me frequently a Conversation w.<hi rend="superscript">th</hi>
our dear Sav.<hi rend="superscript">r</hi> & my Brethren, not without many a blessing
& Comfort for my poor Heart. I poor Child must have his
blessed N<sic>earness</sic>  <sic>continualy</sic>  <corr>continually</corr>, or I become dry & without Life.
My Head Concern is: that he may poor Me by Degrees accustom
to a never ceasing Happiness! So far he of Himself.
The following Years he went his Path easy & happy, & about
the Year <date>1761</date>, he <sic>espress'd</sic>  <corr>expressed</corr> himself also: that he many times
in heavy Circumstances wept before our Sav.<hi rend="superscript">r</hi> & pray'd to
him, that his Heart which alone is certain & to <add>be</add> <unclear>depended</unclear>
on without any Doubt, would preserve him till to the
Time, when he can behold him face to face: & so he could
testify that his Redeemer heard his Prayer & consented
above his expectation, wherefore his Heart shall thank &
praise for ever. It was a pleasure to him to serve the
Congregation in the Hall w.<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> his Music, & he was as
willing in serving by the <sic>Colledge</sic>  <corr>College</corr> of Musicians. In his
Business he did't <sic>lern</sic>  <corr>learn</corr> much, & could therefore found some
<sic>Dificulty</sic>  <corr>Difficulty</corr> to gain his Want, this sometime made <add>brought</add> him in
some Embarrassment. In such a Perplexity a Brother
found him [?] the <date>16</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date> of this Months</date>, as he was gone on
his Work & <sic>afterwarts</sic>  <corr>afterwards</corr> went in a Corner weeping, that he 
did't better Care in his younger Years! Soon after, he
<sic>complaint</sic>  <corr>complained</corr> he was ill & must lay down by a Pleuresy, <add>&</add> in
some Days the white Rash appeard, but as he <add>came</add> out so very
<sic>eassy</sic>  <corr>easy</corr>, he as well, as th' other Breth.<hi rend="superscript">n</hi> believ'd he would hold
                                                                                            it out

[page break]

it out & Nobody thought his End so near. Sunday Night at 12
a Clock a hard epileptic Attack presumptuously hastens
his Disolution. After this Parxoism was over, he lay quite
silent to the <date>23</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date> of May</date>, when he in the Morning at two
a Clock went home in Peace, under the Blessings of the
Congregat.<hi rend="superscript">n</hi> & his Choir, with this <sic>Vers</sic>  <corr>Verse</corr>: <hi rend="underline">Der Honigseim von
seinem Mund, der Küss den todes Leib gesund & segne
deine Seel.</hi> In the 28<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> Year of his Age.