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2. The Widow <persname>Christine Eleonore Seidel</persname>.
(her Maiden Name was Peiftel)
She <sic>wrot</sic>  <corr>wrote</corr> of herself:
I am born the <date>28</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date> of May 1707</date> at <placename>Litowiz</placename> in
<placename>Misonie</placename>. Myn Vater has been <persname>Carl Fridric Peiftel</persname>
and my Mother <persname>Eleonore</persname> born of <placename>Bradenstein</placename>,
of the generation Zoeshen by Merseburg. We have
been 5 Brethren & Sisters Children, two of them 
are gone home in their tender Ages, and we three
have been brought up at home, and <add>we</add> came according
to our <unclear>Praxestination</unclear> to the Congregation.
We had a Lovefull but a serious Mother,
who had our true best at Heart, She was a 
Lover of the Cross of Christ & <sic>aknowlegd</sic>  <corr>acknowledged</corr>
Christ crucified for her only <sic>Happeness</sic>  <corr>Happiness</corr> in time
& Eternity for every Body. She had a <sic>Conexion</sic>  <corr>Connection</corr>
w.<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> our Saviour & did not Love the World, &
This has been the Subsect of <add>her</add> discoursing w.<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> us, in a very
evangelicale Manner & this effected towards our Mother by us
a great Love & respect. By <sic>occassion</sic>  <corr>occasion</corr> She very often
declard to us: that our Saviour certified her Heart,
that not one of her Children should be lost, but all
should become his Property & live for him in this World.
This made some times a deep Impression on our Hearts,
I for my Part was not without Feeling, nevertheless I
did not know my Redeemer. In the Time following
the Lust to the World begun to stir & I <sic>begun</sic>  <corr>began</corr> to like
the World & the World liked me & seekd for me.