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was betrayed & my Husband was for that put in Prison.
However soon as he was set free again, he did't [?]
could for all that not be silent by the Visit of 
Christ.<hi rend="superscript">n</hi> <persname>David</persname> & the following great Awakening in this Country;
and was by that means imprisoned a second time. I came
in hard Circumstances for his Sake at last I got Bail
& he was set at Liberty again. Now we seriously <sic>intented</sic>  <corr>intended</corr>
to leave our Mother-Country, because we had no rest & to 
follow our B<hi rend="superscript">rrn</hi> which went before us. But as <sic>afterwarts</sic>  <corr>afterwards</corr>
<persname>Melchious Nitshman</persname> with two <sic>familys</sic>  <corr>families</corr> more went away,
such a wild Commotion ensued that we must in half a 
Hours time determine to leave our whole Habitation
for our Souls Sake. I <sic>intented</sic>  <corr>intended</corr> to take some Linen along
w.<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> me, but could not find in haste the key-hole, [?]
flung the key away & went w.<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> my Husband & three
Daughters out the Door. Scarce had I left my Habitation
then Heart <sic>feeld</sic>  <corr>felt</corr> Rest & Peace, that nothing in this World
would have inticed me to return again. But <unclear>scarly</unclear> we
had pursued our Journey some Miles, we fell in with
8 young Men who brought us in the greatest Distress
& sevel times <sic>tyed</sic>  <corr>tied</corr> us. O in what <sic>Dificulty</sic>  <corr>Difficulty</corr> were we in!
We <sic>knowed</sic>  <corr>knew</corr> what sort of Holes <add>were</add> <unclear>preport</unclear> for us in Prison;
therefore we took refuge to begging & told them the would 
consider our Distress & let us go, They were very hard &
<sic>inmoveable</sic>  <corr>immovable</corr> but at last they said, as we go for our Con-
siences Sake they would let at Liberty. Who was more glad
<sic>then</sic>  <corr>than</corr> we, we <sic>procedeth</sic>  <corr>proceedeth</corr> our Journey w.<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> a more firm Con_
fidence & Faith. At <placename>Schönbrunn</placename>, where our dear <persname>Brother
de Seidliz</persname> had part of his Dominion, we heard the first
                                                               Protestant Pr.

[page break]

Protestant Preaching en enjoy'd the Love & Goodness of
every Body. This we enjoyed every where, on our Journey