to our Saviour, & I took often Resolutions to carry on
an other Life, but before I could recollect myself I
fell in my former Custom, so that I soon fell & soon
riseth again, & in this Condition I had a very heavy
Christendoom. At last I fell in thoughts, that there must
be another Way to come to a remaining Peace & a true
enjoyment of Happiness. I beggd to dear God he himself
would <sic>leed</sic> <corr>lead</corr> me & bring me to the right Path, then
I would't trust to discover myself to any Body; but
I could hinder that my Sister should not spy out what
I was about; & She was a awakened Person. She seekd
for a Opportunity to speak w<hi rend="superscript">th</hi>. me, & so I told her my
Concern. She advised <add>me</add> to the Brethren who lived here, &
she directly help'd me out of my Dream, but as I
mistrusted myself I desireth to go to the Congregation,
but they did't advise <add>me</add> to do it, but on the contrary they