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& has been Agent again.
<date>1756</date>. He got a Call to <placename>Hhuth</placename>, where he stay'd this Year to rest
himself till <date>1757</date>. When he receiveth <sic>a</sic>  <corr>an</corr> Invitation to
come to the Disciple in the <sic><placename>Swizerland</placename></sic>  <corr><placename>Switzerland</placename></corr> & from thence
according to his Instruction set out the <date>24<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> of Nov.</date> 
a.c. first for <placename>France</placename>, where he visited <add>again</add> all his former 
<sic>Aquaintances</sic>  <corr>Acquaintances</corr> & in the Spring <date>1758</date> he Proceedeth from
<placename>Marsaille</placename> & <placename>Sivorno</placename> into <placename>Egypt</placename>, arrive the <date>28<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> of
May</date> at <placename>Alexandria</placename> & the <date>6<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> of June</date> by our <persname>Brethren
Hooker</persname> & <persname>Pilder</persname> at <placename>Cairo</placename>; what <sic>a</sic>  <corr>an</corr> unexpected <sic>Joyfull</sic>  <corr>Joyful</corr>
News it was to them to see a Brother from the Con-
gregation there, is easily to be imagind; it contributed
not a little to <persname>B.</persname><hi rend="superscript"><persname>r</persname></hi><persname> Hockers</persname> Recovery from his very hard
Sicknes. Our B.<hi rend="superscript">r</hi> visited not only the Patriarch of the
Coptes, but had to three different times <sic>Conferenzes</sic>  <corr>Conferences</corr>
with the Patriarch of the Greeks at <placename>Cairo</placename>, by whom
he got <sic>a</sic>  <corr>an</corr> Opportunity to become <sic>aquainted</sic>  <corr>acquainted</corr> with the
Arch-Bishop of Sibien. After he made himself
several more <sic>Aquaintances</sic>  <corr>Acquaintances</corr> there, by whom he took
especial Pain to get some true Account about the
Copts & Abysineers, & was by a little Sickness some
Day long more detained, he set out on Foot the <date>7</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date> of July</date>,
had from <placename>Rosetta</placename> to <placename>Alexandria</placename> a very difficult Road
to pass & arrived there the <date>4</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date> of August</date> & put himself
on Board of a <sic>shweedish</sic>  <corr>Swedish</corr> Ship. He had by reason of
the War a very long & dangerous Voyage, but arrived
                                                                  at last the <date>18</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date> Sept</date>.

[page break]

at last the <date>18</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date> Sept</date>. happy at <placename>Livorno</placename>. After having <sic>past</sic>  <corr>passed</corr>
the usual Quarantine on Board, set out the Month
following for <placename>Florence</placename>, <placename>Rome</placename>, <placename>Neaple</placename>  <placename>Naples</placename>, <placename>Bologne</placename>, <placename>Lorette</placename>
& other <sic>remarquable</sic>  <corr>remarkable</corr> Place of <placename>Italy</placename>, made himself
<sic>aquainted</sic>  <corr>acquainted</corr> wth several eminent <unclear>Prelates</unclear> of the <sic>roman</sic>  <corr>Roman</corr> 
Church & found by means of his peculiar sincere &
confident Disposition, as whereby he <sic>knowed</sic>  <corr>knew</corr> to insinuate
his Plan <add>Design</add> into their <sic>Confideration</sic>  <corr>Confederation</corr> very much Ingress,
so that They [?] ensured him not only of
their respect & Love but congratulated as well