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Anstalt was to move from <placename>Weteravia</placename> to <placename>Hhuth</placename>,
then my Parents <sic>toock</sic>  <corr>took</corr>  me home to <placename>Lindheim</placename>
again. This cost me many Tears & I could't be
accustomd <add>to live here</add> a long while. My Parents took me for
a good Child, & I took Care not to <sic>loose</sic>  <corr>lose</corr>  this good
Credit they had for me. I begun <add>to be</add> proud, took myself
for good <sic>to</sic>  <corr>too</corr>, but my poor <add>Heart</add> grew dry & indifferent
towards our Sav<hi rend="superscript">r</hi>. at last I became disobedient
towards my Parents & quite reverse to my former
Disposition, so that they was at a loss what to do
with me. In this Condition my Heart was rest-
less & this continues till <date>1755</date>. On good <sic>Fryday</sic>  <corr>Friday</corr>  as
my dear Parents very emphatically remembred to me
what our good Lord suffered & did for me, this <add>brought</add> me to
consider, how miserable I have <add>ever since</add> <unclear>Slandereth</unclear> my noble
Time away. This <sic>emberrassd</sic>  <corr>embarrassed</corr>  my very Soul & I deplord
to our Sav<hi rend="superscript">r</hi>. w<hi rend="superscript">th</hi>. many Tears to forgive my Sins & bestow
Mercy on me anew, that I may feel his Nearness again.
Hereby I experienced how soon our Sav<hi rend="superscript">r</hi>. is inclined
to draw near to his poor Worms & to forgive their
Sins & Iniquity. 
From this Day I had began a new Period of my Life,
I had many happy Discourses in my Silence with my
Saviour, for all that I sometimes <sic>feeld</sic>  <corr>felt</corr>  my dry &

indifferent Heart. The Discourses <sic>deleiverd</sic>  <corr>delivered </corr> to the Children
I could never hear without a reproach in my Heart,
& a Wish or Desire for a Opportunity to employ any
Children Years in such a happy Situation. I thought
it very hard for me to stay at home & desireth my

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Parents to assist me in this my Wish. Our Savr. supported
my Desire & I got Leave & came to my great Satis-
faction the <date>15</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date>. Sept. 1756</date> on in <placename>Herrnhuth</placename>. Some Days
after <sic>myn</sic>  <corr>my </corr> Arrival I came in my Choir-House & lived
there very happy, <sic>thancked</sic>  <corr>thanked </corr> our Sav<hi rend="superscript">r</hi>. very often that he
brought me again in the Congregation. By the removal
in our new Choir-House, the <date>18</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date>. Octob.</date> & the Pedelavium
the same Day, I receivd a new Blessing, Our <sic>Seviour</sic>  <corr>Saviour</corr>
absolved me anew & I put myself in his His Hand as 
his own Property w<hi rend="superscript">th</hi>. a <sic>heartely</sic>  <corr>heartily</corr>  Desire to form & make
me according to his Hearts Desire.
The <date>6</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date>. of Dec.</date> I was receiv<hi rend="superscript">d</hi>. into the Congregation, I was
from all my Heart ashamed about all the Blessings which
our dear Lord bestowed on such a poor <sic>Siner</sic>  <corr>Sinner</corr>; now my
incessant Wish was: a true Love in my Heart towards
his <sic>Waunts</sic>  <corr>Wants</corr>  & a continual Feeling of his Nearness.
In the Time following I had <add>many</add> happy Conversations w<hi rend="superscript">th</hi>. 
our Sav<hi rend="superscript">r</hi>. & languishd very often in my Solitude after
the holy <sic>Comunion</sic>  <corr>Communion</corr>! This Grace he bestowed sooner on
poor me as I could expect it, then the <date>9</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date>. of July
1757</date>. I heard the good Tiding that I was <sic>Candidat</sic>  <corr>Candidate</corr> 
& the <date>31 of Augs.</date> I received our Lords Supper the
first Time! Now was my Desire <add>to enjoy</add> the Effect of his
Flesh & Blood to enjoy in my poor Soul & Body.
Our Saviour was very <sic>gratious</sic>  <corr>gracious</corr> to me & I had after-
wards happy Days & Hours & when I <sic>feeld</sic>  <corr>felt</corr> my <sic>naturel</sic>  <corr>natural</corr>
dry & indifferent <add>Heart</add> & had <add>no</add> rest & <sic>weapt</sic>  <corr>wept</corr> so long after
the only Friend of my Soul till I <sic>feeld</sic>  <corr>felt</corr> his blessed