N.<hi rend="superscript">VO</hi> 1X.
<hi rend="underline">Extract of the <sic>Suplement</sic> <corr>Supplement</corr> of the XXVII.</hi> Week
1. From <sic><placename>Germanie</placename></sic><placename> </placename><corr><placename>Germany</placename></corr>. <date>1763
</date><hi rend="underline"><date>Month of May.</date></hi>
As Some Thing extraordinary <sic>remarcable</sic> <corr>remarkable</corr> is this Month,
<hi rend="underline">the first Low-Dutch Sermon</hi> <add>was</add> kept at <placename>Zeist</placename>,
the <date>first Day of Pentecost</date>. The Congregation is
in Hope of a new Blessing therefrom, there was
a very great Auditory & very <unclear>attent</unclear> the first
The following B<hi rend="superscript">rn</hi>. & Sisters have departed
their Life in this Month.
1 The single <persname>Sister Anne Johane Röshin.</persname>
The following is her own Account.
I am born the <date>27</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date>. of Jan. 1745</date> at <placename>Lindheim</placename>.
in the third Year of my Age I came in the
Anstalt where I was happy & nimble.
In the 6<hi rend="superscript">th</hi>. Year I had by a <sic>Baptising</sic> <corr>Baptizing</corr> of a Child,
the first Feeling of our Saviour in my Heart.
Since that I <sic>intented</sic> <corr>intended</corr> to love him & <add>to</add> become a good
Child, & had by that means many happy Hours, but
my Selfminded Temper disturbed my Peace very
often & <sic>exerciced</sic> <corr>exercised</corr> my Sisters, which conferred all their
Love & <sic>Patiens</sic> <corr>Patience</corr> upon me. A<hi rend="superscript">o</hi>. <date>1751</date> As the whole