
From Moravian Transcriptions
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III. Our dear Brother <persname>Henry Friedr.
As he did not write the full Account of  his Life
himself, then we only can aquaint the Congregation
with the following, viz:
I am born (he writes on a Place of himself) the 
<date>20<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> of Apr. 1714</date> at <placename><sic>Francofourt</sic></placename>   <corr>Frankfurt </corr>on the <placename>Oder</placename>,
where my Voter was Fencing Master by the
<sic>Academie</sic>  <corr>Academy</corr> but dyed [?] 1715. He was born at
Raven in <placename><sic>Normandie</sic></placename>  <corr>Normandy</corr> & left <placename>France</placename> for the Sake
of his Religion, he travelled to the Isle of Fersey