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& low had a particular Love, Confidence & Esteem for her.
She has shewn inexpressible Faithfulness to me & my Child <unclear>till</unclear>
to her End. May our Savior reward her now richly for it. He
alone can comfort me about the Loss of this venerable Mother, & in,
timate Friend of mine. <date>Sept. 29</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date>. 1773</date> she returned with me & my
Child to <placename>Herrnhut</placename>, glad & thankful for all the Proofs of Grace 
& Merry shewn to us all, by our dear Lord."
     <date>April 26</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date>. </date><date>in this</date><date><date> </date>1778</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date>. Year </date>she grew very weak; she
said directly, that she had spoken fully with our Savior about
her whole Course of Life, & had got the Assurance, that he would
soon take her to himself. She added: Ah how sweetly will it
sound, when I shall be with my dear Savior & sing Praises
unto Him; Yet I shall ne'er o'er my Happiness, joy otherwise
<unclear>that</unclear> with a blushing Face. I have not to shew any great 
Actions or Deeds all is covered with Faults, so that I have
nothing to say, but: Lord forgive me my Tresspasses. The Weak,
ness & Straitness in her Breast increased more & more, &
<date>Apr. 30</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date>.</date> this Hand Maid of Jesus entered into the Joy of her
Lord after a remarkable Course thro' this Time. Her Age
was 64 Years 9 Months and 19 Days.