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into Sin, & became more senseless & lightminded,
yet not without Uneasiness. In <date>1733</date> a great Change
taking Place in the Duchy of <placename>Wirtemberg</placename> & the War
commencing, I was measured with a View to become
a Soldier. I came into great Concern & a serious
Consideration whether I should run away or wait
what Turn it would take, & I prayed to God to put
it into my Mind & Thoughts, what Steps to take.
It became clear in my Heart, to be still, & to let
it go as it would, & I got the Assurance that it would
take a glorious Event, if I even should come among 
the Soldiers. I thought: God is <sic>allmighty</sic> <corr>almighty</corr>, omnipre,
sent & all knowing, I will rely on him. In <date>1734</date>
I went sometimes into the Preachings of the <persname>Rev</persname><hi rend="superscript"><persname>d</persname></hi><persname>. M</persname><hi rend="superscript"><persname>r</persname></hi><persname>
<unclear>Preibt</unclear></persname> at <placename>Breitenholz</placename>, in which my Heart often was
powerfully laid hold of, so that I could not refrain from
shedding Tears, tho' I was much ashamed to be seen weep,
ing. <date>1735 in March</date> I was obliged to become a Soldier, 
& came into the Imperical Service at <placename>Treyburg in Bris,
gau</placename>. I many times went into the Field, because we
were quartered at first in the Villages, wept & prayed
to God not to withdraw his gracious Hand from me, other,
wise I should be lost. I was much imfatuated by the

[page break]

Spirit of War, & learned also to play Cards. In
<date>January 1736</date> standing Continel in the Night from
1 till 3 o' Clock on the Fortifications I kept a Band
with God; for our Savr. I did not know; my last Situ,
ation presented itself before my Eyes. I promised
him, that if I should come again into the Duchy of
<placename>Wirtemberg</placename>, so that I could hear again the Word of God
& go again to the H. <sic>Comunion</sic> <corr>Communion</corr> |: for we were in a roman
catholic Place, & had no Preacher in the Army :| I would
begin anew from that <sic>Comunion</sic> <corr>Communion</corr> <hi rend="underline">to be obedient</hi>, as
it is expressed in a lutheran Prayer Book, & be
converted. This our Savr. took Notice of & kept it
in Mind, tho' I forgot it again. I came still the same
Year among several other Regiments, & on other Places.
I grew also so confused in my Mind, that I fain
would have become an Atheist, if I could have effuted
it. But it was always clear in my Heart, that the
Word of God is and abideth Truth, & thou art an un,
fortunate Man, if thou continuest so. Once I in,
tended to desist to <placename>France</placename>, but divine Provi,
dence directed it so, that I came again into the <placename>Wir,
temberg</placename> Country to <placename>Ludwigsburg</placename>. There I went into