with some B<hi rend="superscript">rn</hi> from Iena & Lipsick
I cannot express in Words, what Joy & Amaze-
ment I have felt in the Meetings in the
Hall, by the Visits in the Families & in the
Conferences with the Strangers. It was al-
ways in my Heart: Thou belongst to this Peo-
ple, thou must be and remain here, else thou
art in Danger of being lost. After having heard
returned to Lipsick, I received in Oct. from
Herrnhut a Call <add>to</add> be in Lauban Tutor of
the Children of the awakened Citizens <add>in Lauban</add> those
I regarded this Call as a <add>Beck</add> of our
Saviour & arrived the 26<hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript">th</hi></hi><hi rend="superscript"></hi> of Nov. in Lauban
Our Saviour owned my Service graciously as<add> both at </add>the Information of the Children, and
well byby <add>at</add>
the Repetition of the Sermons every Sunday.
I had also an agreeable Conversation <add><sic>nexion</sic></add> <corr>nection</corr> with
the single B<hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript">rn</hi></hi><hi rend="superscript"></hi> there, & went with <add>some of </add>them on
the Congregation Days to Herrnhut. In May
1739 we went together in the Church to the
Lords Supper. But soon afterwards a Per-
secution commenced, the Meetings were prohi-
[page break]
bited, & one <add>we</add> heard, that it was concerted with
some Officers, to press me amongst the Soldiers
[not finished]