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Life of the Widow, Sister <persname><hi rend="underline">Ann Krügelstein</hi></persname> by 
Maiden Name <persname>Gold of Moravia</persname>, who departed in <placename>Herrnhut</placename>
<date>Apr. 30th 1778</date>. She has left the following remarkable Account of
the Grace & Mercy the Lord bestowed upon her during her Life.
     I was born <date>July 10th 1713</date> at <placename>Zauchtenthal</placename> near <placename>Fulneck</placename>
in <placename>Moravia</placename>. Already in my second Year I experienced a grac-
ious Preservation of God. My Mother used to gather Grass
for her Cattle, & generally took me along, & laying me once down 
near a Tree, a Wolf came, placed himself close by me, & smelt
at me. My Mother felt at once very anxious, & turning
about to look for me, she saw the ravenous Beast with me.
She then run hastily towards me, and the Wolf went a few
Steps back, so that she could take me. My Parents reveiwed 
me anew as a Gift of God, and thanked him with Tears for
my Preservation, for they were both devout People; and 
having looked upon me from my Birth as a gracious Gift
of God, they endeavoured to educate me according to his
Mind, wept & prayed often to God in my Behalf & took
all possible Pains with me. In my 5<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> year I became
much concerned about regaining a Fellowship with God 
through Jesus Christ, because I had heard my Father
say, that we had lost it by the Fall of Adam, but that
the second Adam Jesus Christ had procured it again
through his Sufferings and Death. The Holy Ghost took