
From Moravian Transcriptions
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mander Plaisin, who out of Love to my Husband, procured a 
Passport for me from Petersburg, that so I might safely come thither.
And though the Roads were very unsafe, and much was heard of robbing
and murdering, I nevertheless ventured it on our Savior, to whose
Care and Protection I had quite anew surrendered myself; and it did 
not come into my Mind that any Evil could happen unto me. And
my Eyes flow with Tears of Gratitude and Abasement, when i consider
how evidently our Savior has cared for me, and what Wonders of
Grace and Mercy he has shewn unto me. Just when I was going to
set out on my Journey and had called upon to accompany me , it was
ordered so, that a Libonian Captain Durnstern had to travel the
same Way; he took me gladly into his Company and we set out
January 21<hi rend="superscript">st</hi>. 1701 from Casan. My taking Leave of Brother Helterhof
who of the three captive Brethren alone was left, is known to our
Savior, and not to be expressed in Words. The Captain shewed in
expressible Love and Faithfulness to me and my Child, and more than
once ventured his Life for our sakes particularly January 29<hi rend="superscript">th</hi>. when it
had the Appearance as if we should find our Graves in the River
Wolga; for the Ice begun to sink, and to get Holes, and some of the
first Sleds fell already in the Water. [not finished]