
From Moravian Transcriptions
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But our Joy did again not last long, for in May 1752 our
Brethren had to return again to the Catacombs |:Vaults:|
on account of the Misbehaviors of another Prisoner. We Sisters
viz. Sir Helderhof and I had however Leave to visit and to nurse
them. November 2<hi rend="superscript">nd</hi>. the same Year they and we came into great Distress
by Water, the [?] swelling to such a Degree that the Water rose
in the Catacombs up to the half of the Windows, and in our House
so that I stood up to the Belly in Water, and thus had to retire
to the upper Story of the House, without being able to put on
dry Clothes. To my great Surprize I continued well and healthy
and the next Morning I could go to the Prisoners, who to save
themselves had got up on the Wall, where they had to continue
2 Nights and one Day in the open Air in great Cold, Snow and Rain.
We brought them, and also to other Prisoners some Refreshments to
make them warm; but we could not come to them without great 
Danger of our Lives, the Stream having torn the Bridge leading
to the Fortress in such a Manner that scarce a Soldier ventured
to cross it. Similar Inundations happened the 6<hi rend="superscript">th</hi>. and 11<hi rend="superscript">th</hi>. of November 
but against which better Precautions were taken. December 30<hi rend="superscript">th</hi>. we
had again the Joy to obtain Leave to live together; Secretary Na
bakof having procured free Lodgings for us in the Suburbs, in
which we could live very comfortably.
[not finished]