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      In <date>1772</date> <persname>Phillip Vogler</persname> married his second wife,
<persname>Barbara Fischuss</persname>, with whom he had two children, but both
died in infancy, and in <date>1780</date> their mother followed them
into the Heavenly Home. He was married again to <persname>Christina
Margaret Sennert</persname>, (maiden name <persname>Born</persname>), Soon after his third marriage
he moved to <placename>Bethania</placename>, having given up his farm in <placename>Friedland</placename>
to his son.
      There he lived the remainder of his life, esteemed
as an industrious, earnest Christian, faithfully endeavor-
ing to train his children and step-children in the fear of
the Lord.
      On <date>August, 8th., 1790</date>, he, his wife and one daughter
were taken ill with a violent fever. In his case it was
accompained by convulsions which greatly wakened him. On
the <date>17th</date>., he said he would soon go <hi rend="underline">Home</hi>, and expressed a
desire to recieve the blessing of the Lord, and once more
partake of the Holy Communion. His wish was complied with,
and a sweet sense of the presence of Jesus prevaded the oc-
casion. He still lingered until the morning of the <date>20th</date>.,
when he was permitted to enter his eternal rest. His age
was sixty five years.
      Nine children survived him, viz; <persname>John</persname>, <persname>Lawrence</persname>, 
<persname>Michael</persname>, <persname>Phillip</persname>, <persname>Samuel</persname>, <persname>Christopher</persname>, <persname>Margaret</persname>, <persname>Barbara</persname>
and <persname>Elizabeth</persname>.
      <hi rend="underline"><persname>Lawrence</persname></hi>, the second son married, <hi rend="underline"><persname>    </persname></hi><hi rend="underline"><hi rend="underline"><persname> </persname></hi><persname>    </persname></hi><persname> Crater</persname>,
died young and left an only son, <persname>Phillip</persname>.
      <persname>Phillip</persname> married <hi rend="underline"><persname>          </persname></hi><persname> Folz</persname>, with whom he
had five children, <persname>Jesse</persname>, <persname>William</persname>, <persname>Miles</persname>, <persname>Charlotte</persname> and <persname>Betsy</persname>.
      <persname>Jesse</persname> married <persname>Mary Ann Michs</persname>, was missionary among
Indians in <placename>Canada</placename>, where he died.
      <persname>Miles</persname> married <persname>Sophia Rude</persname>, missionary among Indians
in Indian Territory where he died.
      <persname>William</persname> married <persname>Lucy Essex</persname>.
      <persname>Charlotte</persname> married <persname>Taylor Vawters</persname>.
      <persname>Betsy</persname> never married.