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Personal notices of our late Brother <persname>Jacob Lösch</persname> of <placename>Nazareth</placename>, who
on account of a fall from a horse on his way to <placename>Hope</placename> 11 miles from
here, departed this life about <date>midnight 8 November (1782).</date>

I was born (he writes) the <date>22 November 1722</date> in <placename>Weihersdorf</placename> in
<placename>Schochery (Schoharie)</placename> in the province <placename>New York</placename>. My parents are the 
still living and aged <persname>Georg and Anna Lösch</persname> in Gnad:thal, and I am
their first child. In my childhood I became conscious of the gracious 
work of the Holy Spirit, and was troubled about my salvation, but gradually
I lost this feeling in my youth, until my 19th year when I was thoroughly
awakened by the late Bruder <persname>Gottleb Buttner</persname>. But there was always great need. 
In my heart I felt that I should be converted and go to the congregation
at <placename>Bethlehem</placename>; but on the other hand, I thought I had my good fortune
in my own hands since I was conducting the affairs of my own 
household successfully, and I didn't want to let go. But I could
never find peace until I decided to go to the congregation, which I
did on <date>16 October 1744</date>; so I went straightway to <placename>Bethlehem</placename> and found 
it agreeable. in the year <date>1745</date>, on <date>7 February</date>, I was received into 
the congregation, and I was admitted to the Holy Communion <date>20 June</date>.
Afterward I was admitted to the footwashing. These two ceremonies
I shall never forget. I was truly converted and my heart remained
believing and happy in all circumatances. I was now in the Single
Brothers Choir, I loved and was beloved by all. Also I helped in 
the Oeconomie with great pleasure. When Christ:brun was established 
by the Brethren in <date>1749</date>, I became manager. In the year <date>1753</date>, however,
when the first colony of single Brethren set out for <placename>Wachovia in 
Carolina</placename>, I was named the manager of the Oeconomie there; and 
so I took over on <date>8 October </date>of the same year, on the day of our