
From Moravian Transcriptions
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and worse, so that our number which was in the
society of about 80 or 90 was soon reduc'd
to 30 or 40, this caus'd me pain, And made
me make my Complaint to our Saviour
as though there was but He and I in the
whole world, our Preaching was all dropt
and I knew not what the end of it wou'd
be, Then I with the consent of 2 or 3 more
wrote to the [Brn.] and Bag'd that they would
Come and Labour amongst us, and their
answer was as yet they did not see their
call quite clear from our Saviour
But so soon as they did they wou'd gladly
Run to our Assistance, Four or Five [Brn.]
of us met together Every Sunday Morning
making our Complaint one to another
And our Saviour was often times near our
Hearts, and Sunday afternoon our little
society of about 20 or 30 did meet together and thus we
went on together for some time, being
look'd upon as a stubburn People and as
a mark for Every one to Laugh at
As for my own part I meet with many
Trials on Every side, My nearest Kindred
was set against me and those that before
was my Bosom friends forsook me and look'd
upon me with disdain, This and many more
trials of the like kind which is to tedious
to mention made me often times make my