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mation that I had done right, but recei-
ving sometime after a cordial verbal an-
swer from the <orgname>Unity's Elders' Conference</orgname>,
that they were thankful to find me so
disposed, yet at present they did not think
fit to employ me in the service of the
Cong<hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript">n</hi></hi><hi rend="superscript"></hi>, my former idea revived that our
Savior had deserted pride in my desire. Af-
ter some time my implicit confidence in
him was obscured, & a plausible project
of my own engrossed my mind. With the
concurrence of my Father I conferred with
<persname>B</persname><hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript"><persname>r</persname></hi></hi><persname> Latrobe</persname> about it, who did not entirely
reject my plan, but advised me to be very
cautious of taking any step which might frus-
trate our Saviors views with me, & to weigh
the matter more maturely with fervent
prayer. I therefore took an opportunity
of spreading my whole project in simple
prayer before our Savior, & in that instant
he drew so powerfully near to my heart, that
my former project completely vanished,
& I <emotion>with many tear</emotion>: devoted myself to him
anew, & made <add>a</add> covenant with him, that
from that hour he should be the director
of my steps. I arose from my knees with
<emotion>such a feeling of divine peace & love,
as I shall never forget.</emotion> The reason