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<date>1753</date> I left <placename>Northampton</placename> and moved to <placename>Chelsea</placename>,
where I laid the orginal of my Collection of Hymns
& Psalms, <sic>wrote</sic>  <corr>written</corr> by me in Latin & English before the 
B<hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript">rn</hi></hi> for their perusal. This & the second volume
of them, containing psalms & hymns containing
the Saviour of the World, the holy Trinity &c. &c.
written some in Latin, Greek, Hebrew & English,
begun in the year <date>1754</date> & continued to <date>1756</date>, I brought
into more order at <placename>Chelsea</placename> where I <sic>staid</sic>  <corr>stayed</corr> some time.
I also translated some German discourses into English
& added a preface to them. I continued to preach
both here & in the country, and visited likewise
my native place, where I saw my mother & other
relations. <date>1757</date> we left <placename>Chelsea</placename> & <placename>London</placename> and went
to <placename>Bristol</placename> & <placename>Wales</placename>. I preached in many places;
some of my Sermons I collected and they were
printed in <placename>London</placename> in <date>1761</date>. Having <sic>staid</sic>  <corr>stayed</corr> some
time in <placename>Wales</placename>, I <sic>travelled</sic>  <corr>traveled</corr> to <placename>Yorkshire</placename>. Here
I had a fit of illness owing to the fatigue of
<sic>travelling</sic>  <corr>traveling</corr>, from which I did not recover in less
than 6 months. About this time I likewise
published several books, consisting of hymns &c.
After time we <sic>travelled</sic>  <corr>traveled</corr> again to <placename>London</placename> where we
arrived <date>Oct</date><hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript"><date>r</date></hi></hi><date> 22</date><hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript"><date>d</date></hi></hi><hi rend="superscript"></hi><date>. 1760</date>, The year following I paid
again a visit to my old mother in my native
country. I preached here & my sermon was then
printed in <placename>London</placename> in the year <date>1763</date>.
Upon my return to <placename>London</placename>, I was one day bathing