
From Moravian Transcriptions
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"depraved creature as I am, but thou didst know me tho-
"-roughly, before thou camest into the world to die for me. Now
"here I am before thee, just so as I am, I would not wish
"to hide any thing from Thee, if I even could. If thou
"wouldest decline having any more to do with me, and for
"-sake me, I could not have a single word to say against
"it, but I know thou couldst not take any pleasure in
"it, but it would grieve thy very loving heart, to forsake
"a poor helpless soul, which has cost Thee thy own blood;
"and whom thou hast once received into thy favor, and bestow
"-ed so much grace upon, therefore have mercy upon me, and
"comfort me anew; I know my happiness is, and has
"been always, a joy to Thee."
Soon after this conversation with our d<hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript">r</hi></hi><hi rend="superscript"></hi> Saviour <emotion>accom
-panied with many tears,</emotion> I experienced something which
will follow me into eternity. I thought that never till
then I had such a very heart-breaking view in my soul of
the greatness of that wonder of all wonders, that my Almighty
Creator, who made heaven and earth, and also me poor
worm, is indeed my Brother, bone of my bone and flesh of
my flesh, and suffered freely every punishment, which I have
deserved for all my numberless sins, and came expressly for
that purpose, that he might lay down his life for me. I will
not pretend to describe what I felt at that hour, for I certainly
cannot, but wish rather to retain it silently in a poor and