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a Cong<hi rend="superscript">n</hi> settled. But the loving & hearty Spirit, which prevailed
at that time among the B<hi rend="superscript">rn</hi> & S<hi rend="superscript">rs</hi> together with the continual
increase of both Cong<hi rend="superscript">n</hi> & Society, made it lively & encouraging. But
now especially the kind interposition & assistance of our heavenly
Father often to owor[?] & the Cong<hi rend="superscript">n's</hi> astonishment, really pressed
tears of Gratitude from all our eyes. In <date>1760</date><add><date>3</date></add> we were called to
<placename>Haverfordwest</placename>. Soon after we came there the Cong<hi rend="superscript">n</hi> was settled,
& we had the favour to be eye witnesses & fellow partakers of the
many showers of blessings our dear Lord was pleased to bestow
upon that little flock. The preaching was held & the Cong<hi rend="superscript">n</hi>
also settled in a Malt house. At this time our Saviour direct-
ed us, to a convenient place, which was immediately purchased,
tiso[?] of the houses were converted into a Chapel, one was apporopri-
ated to the lise[?] of the Labourers, & the other rented to our people.
Drying[?] our abode there, we had the pleasure of a visit of B<hi rend="superscript">r</hi> <persname>Jo-
hannes</persname> & S<hi rend="superscript">r</hi> <persname>Benigna</persname>, and B<hi rend="superscript">r</hi> and S<hi rend="superscript">r</hi> <persname>Boehler</persname>, they expressed
great satisfaction of their visit, spoke with all the B<hi rend="superscript">rn</hi> &
S<hi rend="superscript">rs</hi> & said, they had not been <add>in</add> a little Cong<hi rend="superscript">n</hi>, where they had felt
a more loving & Cong<hi rend="superscript">n</hi> like Spirit, than in <placename>Haverfordwest</placename>.
We removed from there for B<hi rend="superscript">r</hi> <persname>Gambold</persname> to by his native
Air for his declining health, and got a Call to <placename>Leominster</placename>
in the Year <date>1766</date>. There we spent about four Years, & then
got a call to <placename>Fulneck</placename>. We took <placename>Bath</placename> in our way, on ac-
count of my late dear Husband's health, which was much im-
paired by a stroke of the Apoplexy. Then we came to
<placename>Fulneck</placename> we heard that our two Daughters were expected in <placename>Lon-
don</placename> from <placename>America</placename>, the U.S. Conference having written for them
to come over, in company with B<hi rend="superscript">r</hi> & S<hi rend="superscript">r</hi> <persname>Marshall</persname>. We found
afterwards the Letter arrived too late. We went to <placename>London</placename> to