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and heightened my esteem & Love for them. In the Year <date>1741</date>,
<persname>Count Linzendorff</persname> & <persname>S<hi rend="superscript">r</hi> Benigna</persname> came to <placename>New York</placename>. They spoke
often with five of us in particular, and after a very significant <add>impressive</add> dis-
course upon the our dear Saviour's Love and <add>His</add> Calfot[?} Grace, and the
happiness of fellowship with each other <add>the <persname>Count</persname></add> recommended us in a very
fervent prayer to the heart of our dear Saviour, and then blessed us
with imposition of hands, to <add>the</add> beginning <add>of a work</add>, which, he said, should <add>would</add>
spread itself to many. And it really proved so, for within a few
Years about 40 B<hi rend="superscript">rn</hi> & S<hi rend="superscript">rs</hi> moved to <placename>Bethlehem</placename> from <placename>New York</placename>,
mos of whom have been used <add>employed</add> in the Service of our Saviour, amongst
whom were the five, before mentioned <add>above</add>. The Cong<hi rend="superscript">n</hi> in <placename>Bethlehem</placename>
seeing my situation difficult & precarious, proposed change for me
by which means I became acquainted with my late Husband
<persname>Lars  Thonstonson</persname><add><persname>Torstensson</persname></add><persname> Nyberg</persname>. He was in <sic>connexion</sic>  <corr>connection</corr> with the B<hi rend="superscript">rn</hi>
though he at that time served as Lutheran Minister to a German
Cong<hi rend="superscript">n</hi> at <placename>Lancaster</placename> in <placename><sic>Pensylvania</sic></placename>  <placename><corr>Pennsylvania</corr></placename>, and preached in many of the
adjacent places. He was very zealous, and our Saviour was pleased
to own his testimony of his death & Sufferings to the Blessing of
many Souls of different denominations. <date>May the 23 1745</date>, we
were married, soon after which we removed to the town of <placename>Lancaster</placename>,
on our way we visited the Cong<hi rend="superscript">n</hi> in <placename>Philadelphia</placename>, which was great
refreshment to us. At this time the B<hi rend="superscript">rn</hi> visited frequently, which
was always attended with real Blessing both to us and our people.
The B<hi rend="superscript">rn</hi> and my late Husband concluded <add>resolved</add> to keep hold a Synod of the
B<hi rend="superscript">rn</hi> in the town of <placename>Lancaster</placename>, that so the people in the adjacent
places might attain to a more just Idea of the B<hi rend="superscript">rns</hi> Constitution;
which was effected <add>carried out</add> and really answered that salutary end. The ever
my now seeing his Kingdom so much disturbed made a great Wpron[?]
& a Division ensued between those who felt the power of the Gospel
& those who did not. The consequence of which was, that those