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me. I opened it in the 1. John. 1 chap, the more I read, the more I
was convinced that it was the true Spirit that led to Jesus and
his atonement. I said to myself, let who will have any other
God, I will have Jesus Christ for my God and Saviour; for he
is my Soul's best friend, my all in all, to whom every knee
shall bow, and every tongue confess that he is Lord, to the Glory
of God the Father. My heart was anew filled with divine
peace and comfort. I began to read diligently in the Bible, it
was as if I had never read it before; I thought I could find our
dear Saviour's divinity on every Page. No worldling could rejoice
more at getting a fine Estate left him, than I did when I first
took of notice of that Text, that, God was in Christ reconciling
the World unto himself. The Holy zGhost, whose constant em-
ploy it is, to take of our Saviour's treasures, and shew it to us,
confirmed me more and more in this blessed truth, that in the
Lord Jesus alone I had Righteousness and Strength. This suited
very well for me, as I daily perceived more of my innate Corruption
and sinfulness, which I had hoped was done away. But I
found alas! that I was often obliged to confess with sinner
shame and tears, that I am <add>was</add> depraved from head to foot, so
that those wounds, by which I was healed, became constantly
more precious to me, and necessary for me. If he had not <sic>shewed</sic>  <corr>showed</corr>
me the Virtue of his all-cleansing blood, I should often not have
been able to lift up my eyes, for abasement and confusion, on ac-
count of my wretchedness; but that is <add>was and is</add> a powerful Antidote.
About this time I became acquainted with the B<hi rend="superscript">rn</hi> which proved
a great Blessing to me. The B<hi rend="superscript">rn</hi> <persname>C. H. Rough </persname><add><persname>Rauch</persname></add> and Bi[???] <add><persname>Brïttner</persname></add> were
the first I saw. Their childike & hearty attachment to the
death & sufferings of our dear Saviour, was that which struck me,