was acquainted I represented to him the consequences
of his unchristian-like spirit and proceedings, upon which
<emotion>he was in a great passion,</emotion> but in order to suppress it,
he began praying the Lord's prayer from beginning
to the end, with folded hands and up lifted eyes,
and thus our Conversation ended. About this time
a peculiar Circumstance happened: A young woman,
who had been awakened by means of <persname>B</persname><hi rend="superscript"><persname>r</persname></hi><persname> Erasmus-
Miller's</persname> instructing her for the Holy Communion,
had proved unfaithful, and fallen into sin, and by
reason of the stings of a guilty conscience was grown
so desperate that she determined in her mind either
to kill herself, or some other person, in order to get out
of the world. She at last resolved upon the latter,
but to prevent the person being lost, whom she intended
to kill, she took a little Child between two or three
Years old whom she saw standing at the door,
and threw it into the river, where it was drowned,
She went and acquainted the Jailor with it, who
put her into prison, where <emotion>she expressed herself to
be without the smallest hopes of being saved,
and would hear of no comfort, but said that God
would laugh at her misery. </emotion><persname>B</persname><hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript"><persname>r</persname></hi></hi><hi rend="superscript"></hi><persname> Erasmus Miller</persname> came
the same day and told me of it. I felt instantly a