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In the year <date>1769</date> I was favoured with some
precious opportunities in attending weekly on
Tuesday evenings a private meeting at the <persname>Rev
M</persname><hi rend="superscript"><persname>r</persname></hi><persname> Kingdow's</persname>, a Baptist Minister. In these
meetings which were opened with a hymn & a
prayer, a text of Scripture was expounded in an
evangelical manner by some of the Ministers &
Members present, which often proved a real
blessing to my heart. I still attended pub-
lic worship in the <orgname>Church of England</orgname>, into
whose communion I had been initiated from
my infancy, I usually was a monthly guest
at the Holy Communion under a deep sense of
my own unworthiness.
It was towards the close of my abode in
<placename>Frome</placename> that <persname>Crank's</persname> History of the B<hi rend="superscript">rns</hi> mission
among the Greenlanders
was put into my
hands by a man in my service who was a mem
ber of the small <orgname>B</orgname><hi rend="superscript"><orgname>rns</orgname></hi><orgname> Society</orgname> at that time (in the
year <date>1771</date>) in <placename>Frome</placename>, under the care of the late B<hi rend="superscript">r</hi>
<persname>H</persname><hi rend="superscript"><persname>n</persname></hi><persname> Jacob Rogers</persname>. The natural history of <placename>Green-
land</placename> afforded me much pleasure & instruc-
tion; but when I proceeded to the history of the
Mission, my heart was filled with amazement
& joy at the powerful work of the Holy Ghost on