
From Moravian Transcriptions
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Shortly after Divine Providence directed me
to a situation with Mr <persname>Binj. Bayley</persname>, an eminent
Cloth Manufacturer. Observing I was diligent
& industrious he conceived a particular esteem
for me, & after I had been with him about 3
years & a half <add>he</add> made over his business for me, so
that soon after my entrance into my 19<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> year I
became my own Master & entered into business
on my own account.
My Mother removed from <placename>Worcester</placename> & lived
with me at <placename>Frome</placename>, till the <date>Spring of 1772</date>, at which
time I removed guided by a Divine hand, & not
knowing why to <placename>London</placename>. Concerning my a-
bode of 7 years & a half in <placename>Frome</placename>, I must still re
mark the following. Tho' a member of the <orgname>Church
of England </orgname>I occasionally attended the meetings
of the <orgname>Wesleyan Methodists</orgname> with benefit for my
heart. My inward course was very chiquered, & my
conduct in many respects connary[?] to better
knowledge, because my heart was not <add>yet</add> wholly
given up to God my Saviour
My first approach to the Holy Commu
nion was on <date>Xmas day 1768</date> being not quite
19 years of age. My feelings on this solemn oc
casion are expressed in my Diary for that year.