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During my School years my natural depra
vity began to discover itself bad examples among
my School companions were not wanting to se
duce me to sin.
In the year <date>1760</date> being placed as a boareir[?]
under the care of the Rev. <persname>M.</persname><hi rend="superscript"><persname>r</persname></hi><persname> Mansell</persname> at <placename>Barton</placename>
under Nudwood in <placename>Staffordshire</placename>, I received the
first serious impressions. My worthy Tutor, <persname>Mr
Mansell</persname> was at that time Curate of the Parish
Church & preached the Gospel with much zeal.
He also used to assemble the awakened among his
Parish<add>i</add>oners every Sunday Evening in his great
Hall, when he sung, prayed, & expounded the Poup-
tures[?] with them; his Pupils were also present. Tho'
only in my 11<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> year, yet these private meetings
were blessed to my heart, & his frequently insist
ing on "One this is needful" made an indelible
impression on my mind: & tho I was <add>then</add> ignorant
of the spiritual meaning of these words, yet they
in succeeding years often occurred to my mind,
till the Lord was graciously pleased to manifest
himself to my soul as my Saviour.
Having finished my education in <date>1762</date>, I
returned to & lived with my Mother in <placename>Wor-
cester</placename> about a year & a half.