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<gap></gap>With regard to our late beloved Sis<hi rend="superscript">r</hi>. her Character is better known than we are able to des-
-cribe it in words, not only here in <placename>Fulneck</placename>, where she has serv'd the Widows Choir with
the greatest faithfulness for upwards of 25 years; but in all the different places where
she has been employ'd, distinguishing herself as a true Handmaid of the Lord, who had the
real welfare of those who were committed to her care much at heart, <emotion>the happiness she en-
in the intercourse with our Savior made her recommend this as the greatest hap-
-piness to the S</emotion><hi rend="superscript"><emotion>rs</emotion></hi><emotion>. and having as a Widow enjoy'd it for upwards of 44 years.</emotion> She was
thereby enabled to speak with them to the purpose, as she could by experience [?] her he
is the particular friend of the Widow who <sic>truely</sic>  <corr>truly</corr> puts her trust in him. Whenever she
<sic>percieved</sic>  <corr>perceived</corr> any thing unentire towards our Savior, she faithfully gave the needful admonitions
To comfort the distressed was her delight, and in general, the poor were a particular object of her
concern, yea, there are many living witnesses, that it was a pleasure to her to serve the needy,
She found at the entrance into her office in the Choirhouse here circumstances which lay heavy
upon her mind, also in the course of her service here, [?] she met with things which were
<sic>truely</sic>  <corr>truly</corr> distressing; but conscious of her inability, and trusting in our Savior, she experienced
his help, and support in a very evident manner, so that when she spoke of this period, yea, of
her whole course, <emotion>she shed a flood of tears, and her mouth overflowed with praise & gratitude
at the consideration of the many merries shewn to her.</emotion> All that she has said in her own narra
-tive of her heart, her Choir, and the Cong<hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript">n</hi></hi><hi rend="superscript"></hi> we can <add>heartily</add> bear witness to, She was a worthy &
beloved member of this Cong<hi rend="superscript">n</hi>., who priz'd her lot of grace highly, and felt herself deeply
interested in all its concerns, Yea the concerns of the whole Unity lay with weight upon
her heart, which she not only remembered faithfully in her prayers; but took an active
shame in all its circumstances, counting it a favor to serve our Sav<hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript">rs</hi></hi><hi rend="superscript"></hi> cause to the utmost
of her power. Now tho' more might be said concerning our late Sis<hi rend="superscript">rs</hi>. blessed & edifying
walk amongst us, yet as <emotion>it was her particular desire that nothing might be said in
her praise,</emotion> we drop the subject, thanking our Saviour for all the services which we have enjoy'd
her, and will only add a few remarks concerning her sickness. From in a <add>several</add> Years last past
she felt her strength decline, and since <date>July 1796</date> she began to grow more ailing, yet so as to
attend her usual employ till <date>Oct</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>r</date></hi> when her complaint, which was Dropsical grew more alarm
-ing, and even caused her to expect a speedy dissolution, <emotion>which she look'd forward to with great</emotion>
<sic><emotion>chearfulness</emotion></sic><emotion>  </emotion><corr><emotion>cheerfulness</emotion></corr><emotion>,</emotion> but having undergone an operation, it prov'd a great relief to her, till towards the
end of the year, when her complaint came on again. yet she was enabled to speak will all the
Sis<hi rend="superscript">rs</hi>. previous to the last Com<hi rend="superscript">n</hi>. in the y<hi rend="superscript">r</hi>. <date>1796</date>, and being also particularly desirous to do the
same, previous to the first Com<hi rend="superscript">n</hi>. in this y<hi rend="superscript">r</hi>., expressing a wish once more to let her S<hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript">rs</hi></hi><hi rend="superscript"></hi> feel her
sympathizing h<hi rend="superscript">rt</hi>., our Sav<hi rend="superscript">r</hi>. enabled her to do this likewise, tho' in great weakness, <emotion>she was
also thankful that she could be present at the Com</emotion><hi rend="superscript"><emotion>n</emotion></hi><emotion>. on </emotion><date><emotion>Jan</emotion></date><hi rend="superscript"><date><emotion>y</emotion></date></hi><date><emotion>. 7</emotion></date><hi rend="superscript"><date><emotion>th</emotion></date></hi><date><emotion>.</emotion></date><emotion> mentioning afterwards how
inexpressibly near our Savior had been to her heart,</emotion> so that it was as if he had been bodily present
from that time she grew worse, and tho' the same means were made use of for her relief, yet,
<add>as</add> a fever ensu'd, she was thereby reduc'd to such a state of weakness, as not to be able to
leave her room [?], As the fever abated, she gain'd a little strength, so as to enable her to
undergo a third operation on <date>Feb</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>r</date></hi><date>. 26</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date>.</date> which was the last, for after that, her disorder w<hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript">ch</hi></hi>
prov'd to be a complicated one one took another turn, <emotion>Her greatest uneasiness now was, that
it seem'd as if it would yet be sometime before she obtained the end of all her wishes, for she had
a most ardent desire to be at home with the Lord,</emotion> abour this she after stood in need of Comfort
and used to entreat those who were about her, or came to see her to help her to pray for patience &
resignation, for she was sensible that whatever her Lord and Sav<hi rend="superscript">r</hi>. laid upon her was all right, and
permitted out of love, this consideration induced her to say, <emotion>she did not wish to go one moment before
his appointed time,</emotion> and when ever she felt, or shew'd the least impatience on that account, she was
always sorry for it afterwards. Were we to enumerate all her expressions of true Sinner-