
From Moravian Transcriptions
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<gap></gap>With regard to our late beloved Sis<hi rend="superscript">r</hi>. her Character is better known than we are able to des-
-cribe it in words, not only here in Fulneck, where she has serv'd the Widows Choir with
the greatest faithfulness for upwards of 25 years; but in all the different places where
she has been employ'd, distinguishing herself as a true Handmaid of the Lord, who had the
real welfare of those who were committed to her care much at heart, the happiness she en-
-joy'd in the intercourse with our Savior made her recommend this as the greatest hap-
-piness to the S<hi rend="superscript">rs</hi>. and having as a Widow enjoy'd it for upwards of 44 years. She was
thereby enabled to speak with them to the purpose, as she could by experience [?] her he
is the particular friend of the Widow who <sic>truely</sic>  <corr>truly</corr> puts her trust in him. Whenever she
<sic>percieved</sic>  <corr>perceived</corr> any thing unentire towards our Savior, she faithfully gave the needful admonitions
To comfort the distressed was her delight, and in general, the poor were a particular object of her
concern, yea, there are many living witnesses, that it was a pleasure to her to serve the needy,
She found at the entrance into her office in the Choirhouse here circumstances which lay heavy
upon her mind, also in the course of her service here, [?] she met with things which were
<sic>truely</sic>  <corr>truly</corr> distressing; [not finished]