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my future course to Him & His holy Spirit
with particular concern, because I knew very
well that my happy Childhood, in which I had
not felt much of misery & sinfulness, was now
past. But still I went on in my childlike course
for a whole Year, & was received into the Cong.<hi rend="superscript">n</hi>
<date>July 2</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>d</date></hi><date> 1769</date>. But now I <sic>learnt</sic>  <corr>learned</corr> in the School
of the holy Ghost gradually to discover the
wretchedness & corruption of human nature.
Being still under the same faithful care as
formerly and not exposed to see or to hear any
thing bad, I could not comprehend at first
why I could no longer look upon things with
the same simplicity, and converse with our
Savior with the same childlike confidence as
formerly; and seeing my Companions cheerful,
I imagined that I alone was such an un_
happy Creature, and wept day & night over my
sinfulness. But our Savior granted me the
spirit of uprightness, that I could speak with
my Laboress about every wrong idea who made
it plain to me that this was a period of grace
and of the blessed Labor of the holy Ghost;
which greatly strengthened my confidence
to our Savior. I was also richly comforted by
him and recovered my former cheerfulness.