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conversation, & the subject of her
prayers. There was one department
of our Church, in which she felt, till
the last, the strongest interest; the
Missionary field - <hi rend="underline"><placename>Jamaica</placename></hi> in
particular. She never ceased to re-
member & to <emotion>love the Black popula-
tion there</emotion>. <gap></gap>The very mention of
the Island was sufficient to call forth
all her energies. At such times a
<emotion>ray of holy joy & delight would light
up her countenance</emotion>, & it was to her
as if living over again those days
long passed away. Oh what songs
in highest strain - will the ransomed
sing in heaven - With thanksgving &e.
<gap></gap>She was in general favored with
good health, & was <emotion>delighted to feel
that she could make herself useful</emotion>.
The hope was cherished, that though
already far advanced in years, she
might still be spared some time
longer. She begged however, on this
being mentioned, that no one might
pray for her continuance in life, as