and added she. " Now I can say with my Dear
"Brother, I have a desire to depart and to be with
"Christ: which is far better." Thus the affection which
she bore for her Brother, from being a tie to this earth;
became an additional attraction to the Courts above;
and only one of her Family remained to witness
with an aching heart, the sufferings of her dying
hour. The hope of being any more restored to comparative
health, which had been often effected, by her <sic>skilful</sic> <corr>skillful</corr> Me=
=dical attendant, to the astonishment of all around her,
became quite extinguished. <gap></gap>His arrival being an=
=nounced, she said. "Ah he is nothing to me now,
"he can do me no more good. I am in my Saviors
"Hands: As I am so take me, &c. &c." When
the Doctor entered, she said, "I believe it is
"almost over. - Don't be afraid to tell me so,
"I long to go." He replied, Certainly Life is not de=
=sirable, when there is continual pain of body.
The reply was. "No. when there is a hope of a
"happy eternity. and that hope grounded on a Savi-
ors merits." When asked if she was comfortable,
She answered. "Yes, my sisters, you are very
"kind. You do all you can, and our Savior
"will soon do the rest.-- How delightful if we
"all meet in Heaven, there again to rehearse the
"love which the Lord has shown to us. "Ah!"
"What shall I feel, when I, -- the glorious
Choirs espy;-- In bliss unceasing."! On the