
From Moravian Transcriptions
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"are permitted to look down upon the earth, <emotion>how hap=
"py should I be, when I have joined the Heavenly
"Choirs,</emotion> to see you all prospering to the Lord, and to
"know that yours is not a mere profession, but a
"real conversion of the heart. When you feel how 
"sinful you are do not forget to turn in prayer to 
"our Savior; and let the language of your hearts be
"such as is expressed in that beautiful verse. - Heal me,
"O my souls Physician, &c. I have received much
"Comfort in answer to this very prayer, when young:
"it was so peculiarly adapted to my case; In conclud=
"=ing she gave them Her farewell Blessing. wishing
"that the Lord would grant them such communion
"with Him in their first enjoyment of the sacra=
"=ment as should never be forgotten by them!"
<gap></gap>When approaching to the hour of death | an e=
=vent on which she seldom in her life time, could
think of without apprehension, chiefly prompted by
constitutional feelings. | <emotion>her mind became more
calm,</emotion> and she resigned herself wholly into the
hands on her Redeemer. The departure of her only
surviving Brother. - Shortly after a Visit to her,
when he had bid her an affectionate farewell, suppos=
=ing, and indeed expressing a wish, that our Savior
would soon release her from her sufferings! <emotion>Affect=
=ed her very much.</emotion> She little thought of his being
called home before her, and declared that she look=
=ed upon his sudden departure, as her last summons,