
From Moravian Transcriptions
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and corrupt Nature made great Opposition; first because
I had been a Communicant in the Reform'd Church 16 Years,
and in all That Time had not attaind to a settled Peace; This
made Me wavering in my Soul; and secondly I was hard of
Hearing, which inclined Me to separate my Self from all Fel-
-lowship and Society; This was to my Corrupt Nature, a Thorn
in the Flesh, to be in Company, and <add>yet</add> to understand Nothing.
O how much Pain did I bring upon my Heart by my Ignorance
and Unbelief; but when I as such a poor Sinner, complaind the
State of my Heart to my Saviour, then He again forgave me
all my Transgressions.
<gap></gap>In the Year <date>1750.</date> I was received into the <orgname>Congregation
of the United Brethren</orgname>, and our Saviour granted me the Favour
to be admitted the <date>same Year</date> to the Sacrament among Them.
by the Will of God and thro' the Ministry of <persname>B</persname><hi rend="superscript"><persname>r</persname></hi><persname>. Rice</persname>, In the
Afternoon of the Same Day on which the Sacrament of our Lord
was administerd, He preachd on 1Tim<hi rend="superscript">y</hi>.3.016. Without Controversy,
great is the Mystery of Godliness; God was manifest in the Flesh;
justified in the Spirit; seen of Angels; preachd unto the Gentiles;
believed on in the World; received up into Glory: The Grace which
our dear Saviour let me feel at the first Participation in my Heart,
was in Truth, the Power of the aboverelated Words, Without Con-
-troversy, great is the Mystery of Godliness, God was manifest
in the Flesh. These and all the other Words of the Text, were so

[page break]

powerful, and lively and