
From Moravian Transcriptions
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that his Apostles and Followers were thus treated.
<gap></gap>By <persname>M</persname><hi rend="superscript"><persname>r</persname></hi><persname>. Whitfields</persname> Preaching I was convinced of the
Righteousness of our Lord Jesus Christ, and of the great Sin
of Self Righteousness. The Words of his Text was Jer 2306.
The Lord our Righteousness, these blessed Words
were a Power of God unto my Heart, and our Saviour assur'd
Me thro' the Grace of the Comforter, that it was a Testimony
of Truth according to his Word John 1608. When He comes,
He shall reprove the World of SIn, of Righteousness, and of
Judgment. I was convinced that this was the only Thing
necessary to my Salvation, and I felt how much my
Sins <add>and Misery</add> made Me to fear, that the Lord Jesus by his Grace
would not set me free from the Condemnation of Sin. I found
that I was brought out of Darkness into Light, but I did not
yet possess the full Assurance which my Heart longd after.
Beforetime I hoped in the Promise that He would be my Jesus
and Saviour, now I could find no Peace or Rest in my Heart,
without the Feeling and Assurance that the Lord Jesus was
mine with all his Merits, and that I am His. The Which
the Lord in his good Time has manifested to Me and assur'd
my Heart, that He bore in his own Body on the Cross, the Curse

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of the Law and the [not finished]