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lead and direct Me, and keep his Eye open upon Me. 
and I am assured in my Heart that this was the true Grace
of God, which led Me to the Light of his Holy Gospel.
<gap></gap>In the Year <date>1741.</date> <persname>M</persname><hi rend="superscript"><persname>r</persname></hi><persname>. Whitfield</persname> came into this City,
as a faithful Witness of the glad Tidings of Free Grace, thro'
our Lord Jesus Christ, and declared unto Us what He had 
received. He had many Hearers, and many were awa-
by his Testimony of Universal Redemption, and 
the <add>great</add> Necessity of the New Birth, and of receiving the Gift
of the Holy Ghost; I heard at that Time more than I <unclear>possest</unclear>;
The Lord blessd what he spoke, and the Word had a divine
Power on the Souls of many that heard it. <gap></gap>Many said,
He is surely a Child of God, Others said, He is a Deceiver
and spoke much Evil of Him. <gap></gap>After some Time, he took
Leave of Us for a Season, and it was a Blessing to Me
and my two Children, that the Lord had brought Him here.
After <sic>som</sic>  <corr>some</corr> Time I became acquainted with the <orgname>United
Brethren</orgname>, and was convinced in my Heart that they propaga
-ted the same Doctrine of Free Grace: Afterwards by the great
Opposition with which the Brethren were treated, my Heart
was brought into a great Straight, and I could expect

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Nothing else,