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Personals of our d.<hi rend="superscript">r</hi> deceased Brother <hi rend="underline"><persname>George Jacob
Engelbach</persname></hi> who departed to the Joy of his Lord at <placename>Herrnhuth</placename>
the <date>12</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date> of November 1768</date>. The account he has left behind
is as follows:
Nothing but obedience moves me to give an account of my
Path <sic>thro</sic>  <corr>through</corr> this dying Life. I had rather be Unknown and un=
=noticed, to all but that loving heart beyond compare!
to be known to <hi rend="underline">him</hi> is all my wish and desire.
I was born the <date>24</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date> of October 1709</date> at <placename>Auenheim</placename> a Village near
the <placename>Rhine</placename>, in which Place my Father was Parson. My Mothers maiden
Name was <persname>Michaelis</persname> and descended from <placename>Polish Lissa</placename>. In the year <date>1711</date>
myself and a younger Brother was deprived of our Father in our Tenderesh
Infancy. After 3 years Widdowhood my Mother Married an Intendant of the
Finaces named Aulber who removed in the year <date>1716</date> to <placename>Bussweiler</placename>          <persname>Aulber</persname>
where he became <sic>Councellor</sic>  <corr>Counselor</corr> of the Finaces. Here I was sent to the
Gymnasium where I saw and heard much evil, and as I grew older became
sensible of the Hurt it was to me, myself my own Brother, my Step Brother and
a Relation of ours a <sic>Minesters</sic>  <corr>Ministers</corr> Son, soon found out that we was utterly corrupt=
ed children. We 4 join'd together in a Resolution to give our Hearts to the Lord
Jesus, often we rose before day, went out into the Fields, <sic>kneelt</sic>  <corr>knelt</corr> down on our
knees <sic>Weept</sic>  <corr>Wept</corr> and pray'd for better Hearts. As we saw no help for us it came
in our Minds to go into the thickest <sic>Forrest</sic>  <corr>Forest</corr> to feed on grass and pray day
and Night, that our poor Souls might be saved; But the severe and cruel
treatment we met with from our Masters shifted every thing. It is true
that from time to time, we often felt anew the drawings of divine grace
and I remember with shame and Bowedness, what my heart felt whenever
I read or heard any thing of our Saviour and his bleeding wounds, that
presently melted my heart and <unclear><gap>Dran</gap></unclear> tears from my Eyes; Yet the <hi rend="underline">in=
=dwelling</hi> Evil, and the <hi rend="underline">outward</hi> Descations which surrounded me seemd
to render my Conversion an Impossibility. Therefore I thought I would
trust in the Lords long suffring; and hope that the Lord Jesus who once
for all had suffer'd death for me, would not suffer the <sic>Merrits</sic>  <corr>Merits</corr> of his
bitter Passion to be lost on me, But would receive me to his